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                ? | 阿里店铺 松越(Songyue)专注除湿、加湿、恒温恒湿及工业冷水机等温湿度系统解决方案、产品生产供应。??客服热线:17888217032?


                作者:admin     来源:未知    发布时间:2021-01-08 18:40    浏览量:



                How are dehumidifiers classified?




                Household dehumidifier


                家用除湿机,一般用于家80平米以内的环境,主要用于家里潮湿的地方,有些小的办公室,实验室,也会选择家用型的除湿机。 家用除湿机的特点是小巧,不占空间,噪音小,有水箱装水,也可以软↘管直接排水。正常情况下,家里使用除湿机,墙壁不会发霉〓,家里的食物不容易变质,衣服上也不易产生霉点,在梅雨季节还可以起到干衣的作用。

                Household dehumidifiers are generally used in the environment within 80 square meters. They are mainly used in humid areas of the home. Some small offices and laboratories will also choose household dehumidifiers. Household dehumidifier is characterized by compact, space-free, low noise, water tank, and hose direct drainage. Normally, the use of dehumidifier at home, the walls will not be mildewed, food at home is not easy to deteriorate, clothes are not easy to produce mildew, in the rainy season can also play a role in drying clothes.




                Commercial dehumidifier




                Commercial dehumidifier is generally used in 80-150 square meters of space, the power supply is 220 V, plug in, connected with the drainage pipe, you can use, the use is very simple, generally used in small basements, small warehouses. Machines are generally similar to washing machines, dehumidifiers are much larger than household dehumidifiers, and the dehumidification effect is more obvious.




                Industrial dehumidifier




                Industrial dehumidifiers are generally used in 150 to 1500 square meters of space. The power supply of industrial dehumidifiers for lifting wells is generally 380V industrial power. Installation requires electricians to connect and install them. After three-phase and five-wire connection is completed, the drainage pipe is connected, and the machine can be turned on and used. Industrial dehumidifiers are widely used in workshops, warehouses and basements in all walks of life. Industrial dehumidifier can quickly remove the humidity in the space and solve all kinds of troubles caused by humidity.




                Non-standard custom dehumidifier


                很多客户对除湿机都会有一些具体的要求,我们ξ根据客户需求量身定制的除湿机成为非标除湿机,比如,我们可以做防腐蚀除湿机,防尘除湿卐机,升ζ 温除湿机,降温除湿々机,调温除湿机,吊顶除湿机,管道除湿机,恒温恒湿机,转轮除⊙湿机等等。非标定制除湿机,可以结合客□户的实际需求,量身定制适合客户的除湿机产品。



                Many customers will have some specific requirements for dehumidifiers. We customize dehumidifiers according to customer needs to become non-standard dehumidifiers. For example, we can make anti-corrosion dehumidifiers, dust dehumidifiers, temperature-rising dehumidifiers, cooling dehumidifiers, temperature-regulating dehumidifiers, ceiling dehumidifiers, pipe dehumidifiers, constant temperature and humidity machines, runner dehumidifiers and so on. Non-standard customized dehumidifier can be perfectly combined with the actual needs of customers, customize the most suitable dehumidifier products for customers.


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                总部地址: 杭州市余杭区余杭经济开发区红丰路605号


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